
viernes, 22 de mayo de 2020

Friday, 22nd May 2020

Hello children!

Let's go with a sunny Friday! 😎

* remember the reading activity please 😌

I think today is a good day for a Tiger Street Tale! (pupil's book, page 52)

Come on!

But first, some help:

There's: hay
kite: cometa
help: ayuda
don't worry: no te preocupes
I'm coming: ya voy
quick: rápido
string: cuerda
hurry up: date prisa

Do you like it?? I hope so!

Now, open your activity book, page 51.

exercise 22: listen, nombre and write (escucha, pon números y escribe)

exercise 23: escribe preguntas como la del ejemplo y contesta.

exercise 24: look and write.

Thank you for all your effort! 
Remember, we are very proud of you! 
Come on, few weeks left!

More interesting English activities: 

This week... money!! 

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